Senior leaders- Sleep Deprived!

‘My clinical experience is that sleep deprivation is definitely on the rise,’ says Dr Michael Sinclair, consultant clinical psychologist at the City Psychology Group in London.

24/7 access to technology and work schedules are some of the societal factors that lead to sleep deprivation.  I have always heard from my Sr. managers that:

Who has time for sleep?

It’s probably a thought that goes through our minds, too.

I’m definitely not an expert on the topic, but based on my research and insight, let’s understand how this cult of insufficient sleep affect our bodies:

  • It reduces brain power and productivity 
  • Diminishes concentration and impairs memory
  • Lowers Creativity 
  • Increases stress and anxiety
  • Leads to health problems like obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases 
  • Hinders leadership performance 

Before, I get into the details of these above facts,  let me share with you a true story of Arianna Huffington, the founder of Huffington Post, who reveals how an accident forced her to understand the critical importance of sleep for a successful career.

In brief, she said:

  • Creativity, ingenuity, confidence, leadership, decision-making- are hampered because of insufficient sleep
  • Sleep deprivation has negative impacts on our mood, our ability to focus, and our ability to perform better
  • People who sleep less  are seven times more likely to feel helpless and five times more likely to feel alone
  • Short naps can help revive us, even if we are not having seven or eight hours sleep
  • Sleep is linked to one of the most destructive forces, stress

If you have a few minutes to spare, I would thoroughly recommend that you read the complete article to get a thorough understanding, right here.

This might  paint a very alarming picture for the organisations  with regard to low productivity and overall disengagement. But, these issues definitely need to be addressed to find the appropriate solution, which I would take up in my next post.



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